When it comes to voice over bookings at NJP STUDIOS, there is no way around Gabriela.
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Around the studio

When are your opening hours?

Our studios are open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 18:00. Outside these times you can reach us via the contact form.

Can I rent the studio without a sound engineer?

No, we only rent out the studio including our sound engineers.

Can I rent the studio for my music video?

Depending on the concept, this is possible. Please note, however, that we do not offer film services ourselves. We work together with various film productions and can help you with the selection on request.

Can I also book only individual services with you, e.g. only voice recordings without mix/master?

Of course! Let us know which services you require and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.

I would like to test the SONY C-800G microphone, is that possible?

We do not hire out equipment. If you book a recording session with us, we will try out together which microphone is best suited to you and your song. Maybe it's the SONY C-800G?

What are your prices?

As unique as each project is, the services are just as different. Do you need one or more voice actors? Is it an advertisement or a corporate film? Do you want your product to shine with an exclusive jingle or soundtrack?

To calculate a price, we need as much information as possible about your project so that we can provide you with a tailor-made quote.

I have written a song and would like to record it or have it produced by you. How much does it cost?

That depends on what you want. Do you already have an instrumental and just want to record the vocals? Or do you need an entire production?

The costs depend heavily on the type of production, for example whether you want to book external musicians for a jazz ballad or a "trap beat". The best thing to do is to send us a demo and tell us about your ideas and wishes. We will then check the possibilities and make you a suitable offer.

What services are included in your prices?

The studio price always includes the studio rental, the sound engineer, the equipment and the booked service (recording/edit/mix/master) and backup. Additional services such as archive music, music composition, voiceover and buyout, external link costs etc. are charged separately.

Unfortunately I have to cancel the booked session. Will this incur any costs?

Only if speakers have been booked for your production and you cancel the session within 24 hours of the scheduled date.

Do you have any open (internship) positions?

All our positions are currently filled. Should the situation change, we will publish this on the website.

Where can I park my car?

At our head office in Küsnacht, you can use the parking lot directly in front of the building. The blue zone on Vorderzelgstrasse offers further parking options. Two garage parking spaces are available for visitors to our studio in Zurich. Further parking spaces can be found around Hottingerplatz in the blue and white zones. Please let us know if you would like to arrive by car for your visit.

Dolby Atmos

What is immersive audio?

Immersive audio, also known as 3D audio or spatial audio, is an audio technology that completely surrounds the listener. Whereas with surround sound, the multi-channel sound is positioned at the front, sides and back, immersive audio offers an additional height dimension (above the head) and literally embeds the listener in the sound.

What is Dolby Atmos Music?

Dolby Atmos Music promises a revolutionary music experience in a new dimension that goes beyond conventional stereo consumption. The three-dimensional sound world allows you to enjoy music in which every detail can be heard with more depth and clarity.

How can I listen to Dolby Atmos Music?

The following streaming platforms already offer a broad catalog for Dolby Atmos Music: Tidal, Amazon and Apple Music. Compatible speakers or devices such as soundbars, headphones or pod speakers are required.

What are the advantages of having my music mixed in Dolby Atmos?

Unlike a stereo mix, where the signals are distributed across just two channels, any sound from a production can be placed freely in the room. This allows for a listening experience that immerses the listener in the music in a spatial way.

What do I need to have my music mixed in Dolby Atmos Music by you?

For a Dolby Atmos mix, we recommend the delivery of multitracks or stems. We would be happy to discuss your project in detail via the contact form or by phone.

Is it worth having my music mixed in Dolby Atmos now?

3D audio is spreading rapidly and is massively supported, not least by various device manufacturers, so that you can already enjoy 360° sound at home and on the move. A Dolby Atmos mix is particularly recommended for projects that need to be able to withstand the latest audio technology in the future.


I would like to book a voice from the Speakertool, but record it at another studio. Is that possible?

We're glad you like our voices! Our speaker tool is a service for our customers. We do not place voice talents with other studios. You can request a quote for voice recordings from us at any time: Contact form.

I would like to book a well-known voice actor for my project. What costs should I expect?

Voice actors of famous Hollywood actors usually demand higher fees than commercial voice actors. In order to make you an offer, we need as much information as possible about your project:

- company/product
- type of recording (image, advertising etc.)
- number of subjects and the respective length
- use (country, website, online/TV/cinema/radio advertising etc.)
- duration of use

People keep telling me that I have a beautiful voice. Now I want to apply for a job as a voice-over artist. What do I have to do?

A beautiful voice is a good basis. However, it takes a lot more to gain a foothold on the market as a voice artist. You can find various coaches, workshops and schools in Switzerland and abroad on the Internet who will be happy to advise you.

How does a speaker booking work?

It's simple: our speaker tool offers you a huge selection of voices in various languages and dialects from Germany and abroad. Use the filter to select your favorites, then send us the link with the project information and the approximate time frame for your production. We will get back to you as soon as possible with a quote and the availability of the voice actors. As soon as you have approved the costs and the proposed date, we will make a binding booking for the voice artist(s) on the desired date.

Of course, you can still contact us directly with a briefing (project/voice) and we will send you a selection of suitable voices.


How many people can be recorded in the studios?

At our headquarters in Küsnacht we can accommodate up to 5-7 people. The Studio City offers space for 2 people at the same time.

Can I record my song with you?

If you would like to record your own song with us, we need an instrumental from your track on which the recordings will be made. Of course, we can also carry out recordings where you accompany yourself with your instrument or even bring your own musician.

Can I make recordings with my band at your place?

Depending on the production (e.g. simultaneous or individual) and the composition of the band, this is possible. Please contact us so that we can find the best possible solution for your project.

What services do recordings include?

Voice and vocal recordings as well as instrument recordings include voice and vocal direction and backup. Editing (processing of the recordings) is not included.

What does language direction mean?

The voice director "guides" the voice artist through the production and pays attention to the speed of the spoken text, the pronunciation, the emphasis, corrects any mistakes and incorporates the customer's wishes into the production. This allows the voice artist to concentrate 100% on their job.

How long does a recording session last?

For voice recordings, this depends on the project and the client. Generally speaking, we expect a professional voice-over artist to record a 20-second spot for around 30-45 minutes. Vocal and instrument recordings of a song with a length of around 3-4 minutes usually take 1-2 hours. But here, too, it depends on how well prepared you are.

How does a recording session work?

Before the appointment, we check whether the necessary material (text, music, film, timing) is available for the recording so that we can prepare the session. After the welcome and a short sound check, the recordings are made. At the end, we also allow time for a debriefing to clarify the selection of takes, the next steps or any questions.

How should I prepare for a session?

For a session to run efficiently and smoothly, it is important that we receive all the material (text including translations, music, film) that we need for the recordings beforehand.

It is advisable for speakers and singers to come prepared and warmed up. Speakers should, if possible, read the text beforehand in order to clarify any questions about pronunciation at the start of the session. Singers should practise the song before recording. If possible, refrain from eating sugary or sticky foods before the recording session.

May I be present at the voice recordings?

Of course, we even recommend it! You can take part in the recording session via online call or on site in the studio and contribute your comments and wishes directly.


I have written a song, but need an instrumental/production to go with it.

The field of song production is very diverse. Please let us know which direction the song should take, what genre it is and what is important to you. You are welcome to contact us via the contact form or by phone. A raw demo recording and a reference are always very helpful.

What is producing?

The activities of a producer today can range from composition/songwriting, instrumentation/arrangement to sound programming and sound design. It can also include mediation, recording management or directing.

Depending on the project, the producer may be involved in all or only some of these services.

What does SFX/sound design mean?

Creation and design of sound effects and noises to augment a video, radio play, animation or music.

What is sound branding?

An audible, conceptual realization of a brand such as a jingle, audio logo or soundscapes.

Can I buy beats from you?

If you are interested in licensing from our music catalog or a customized production of your project, please send us an inquiry.

Edit, Mix, Master

What is audio post-production?

Audio post-production includes all steps associated with post-production for moving images. This includes sound design, sound effects, Foley recordings, editing of voice recordings as well as mixing and mastering.

What is the difference between edit, mix and master?

Editing means processing the individual recordings and audio tracks. This can range from simple adjustments, cutting, shifting, fading in and out to more complex removal of unwanted noise and restoration.

Comping (combining the best parts from several takes into a perfect "one take"), auto-tuning or pitch correction also fall under editing.

Mixing is the merging of all individual tracks into a whole. The sounds are matched to each other in terms of volume, balance and placement. A balanced mix ensures that the core message and mood of the product are optimally emphasized.

Mastering is the final stage in the production process. The mastering engineer's main task is to ensure that the product sounds good on every loudspeaker and reaches a volume level that is suitable for competition. In music productions, mastering is often seen as the finishing touch to get the last 10% out of the song.

It also includes the technical aspect of ensuring that the product in the respective format meets the guidelines and requirements of the media, such as EBU R128 in TV and Leq in cinema.

What do I have to consider if I need a master for radio, TV, Internet and/or cinema?

Every medium has its own technical guidelines and requirements. It is best to let us know which format you need your product for so that we can carry out the appropriate mastering.

We have produced a TV commercial, can I also use it for the online campaign?

We would not recommend this. TV commercials are subject to EBU guidelines and are mixed differently accordingly. If you were to use the commercial online, it would be quieter than the other commercials and would possibly be perceived less.

Is it possible to restore background noise in a recording afterwards?

In principle, yes. However, it depends heavily on the recording quality. You are welcome to send us your file and we will check the possibilities.

Can I have my song mixed and mastered by you?

But for sure! You are welcome to send us a rough mix of your recording so that we can make you a suitable offer. The recording quality, number of tracks and complexity of the arrangement are important information for us to be able to assess the effort involved.

Please note that despite technical progress, we cannot work miracles if the recording quality or performance is simply inadequate.

Can you change/adapt my beat?

In principle, we can make changes to existing instrumentals. However, the legal (usage license) and technical aspects (existing audio tracks, stems, stereo mix) must be clarified beforehand. You can contact us directly here.

Do you do analog mixing/mastering?

We generally carry out hybrid mastering (use of analog and digital hardware) for song productions. You are welcome to send us a request for a quote. You can find more information on our equipment list.

I produce music myself and need some help with mastering. Do you offer this?

We always look forward to Nerd Talks about the world of sound engineering for project assignments! Your question could not be answered? Then get in touch with us via the contact form.

Worth knowing

How can I save time and money when recording?

Quite simply: by being well prepared.

The following applies to voice recordings: time your text - does it fit into the desired spot length? Have you considered the lengths of the language versions? Clarify the pronunciation of technical terms in the respective languages in advance. Is all the material available for the recordings, such as music files, sound effects, texts and translations? Ideally, you and/or your client should be present during the recording. This way, you can provide your input directly during the recording and possibly save yourself from having to make corrections and incur additional costs.

The old adage applies to singers and musicians: practice makes perfect!

Why are the speaker's fees so high, even if only a short sentence is spoken?

The voiceover fees are based on the recommendations of the VPS (Swiss Association of Professional Voiceover Artists). The fee includes both the presence time in the studio and the buyout, i.e. the use in the corresponding medium. The fees also include social security contributions.

The situation is similar for voice-over artists from abroad, but their fees are based on the rates of the respective country and can vary depending on the voice-over artist. It is best to send us an e-mail with your request and we will clarify this for you.

What is archive music? And what do I have to consider here?

Archive music are tracks that are offered on various platforms and are publicly accessible. A title can appear in several productions at the same time. The prices vary depending on quality, popularity and usage license. We strongly recommend that you read the "small print" before purchasing.

We are also happy to advise you in your search for suitable music.

Do you need a reference for the music selection from the library?

A reference track is always helpful. Please note, however, that archive music may not be able to meet your requirements for a "Highway To Hell".

I would like to use a well-known song for my project, is that possible?

For commercial purposes and publications, especially in connection with video material, permission from the publisher of the piece of music is mandatory.

What are stems?

Stems are individual or grouped audio tracks used to save different elements of a song separately for later processing (mastering, live performances, remixes, etc.). In contrast to a mixdown, which combines all tracks into a single stereo track, stems allow greater flexibility and control over the individual components of a piece of music.

Unlike multitracks for mixing, stems are often already edited, processed and contain effects. When combined, these match up and result in the mixed version.